Jobchange 2022 – quitting without a new one?

Why do employees quit?

We asked 2,196 candidates why they were currently looking for a job. Almost 70 % of all employees surveyed are looking for a new job voluntarily.

"The better job"

What exactly do employees hope to achieve by changing jobs? After all, they are not looking for any new job - but a better one with a better employer.

How to actively prevent terminations?

We also asked the participants this question and received exciting answers. 47.9 % of all applicants would have liked to stay with their employer. But what should have gone differently?

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About softgarden e-recruiting GmbH

softgarden is one of the leading European HR-Tech solutions for innovative recruiting. According to the Fosway 9-GridTM Recruiting Report 2022 and 2023, softgarden is one of the core leaders among European providers of talent acquisition suites. Employers of all industries and sizes attract the best candidates with the help of the cloud-based Talent Acquisition Suite.