Future of recruitment: View of candidates and HR specialists

Competitive through remote work

Work location expectations have changed. 3/4 of applicants expect to be able to work remotely - but only 1/4 of job openings in 2021 offer the option of remote work.

New reality calls for modern solutions

Applicants are used to clear and straightforward communication in digital services. The job search and application process should be just as simple. Find out how you can achieve this in the download.

5 Tips for "New Work" beginners

The possibility of working remotely or using new digital tools in the workplace has become more critical. Find out how you can react to this in our 5 tips.

Free download

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About softgarden e-recruiting GmbH

softgarden is one of the leading European HR-Tech solutions for innovative recruiting. According to the Fosway 9-GridTM Recruiting Report 2022 and 2023, softgarden is one of the core leaders among European providers of talent acquisition suites. Employers of all industries and sizes attract the best candidates with the help of the cloud-based Talent Acquisition Suite.