7 biggest time wasters in recruiting

Please faster!

Candidates are used to quick processes online. They also expect speed in recruiting. 64 % of applicants expect an invitation to an interview within two weeks.

Time is money

Recruiting is no different, as unfilled positions cost the company a lot of resources. Non-optimized and outdated recruiting processes drive up the cost-of-vacancy.

A perfect fit for optimal recruiting

With the right solution, you will save a lot of time in the recruiting process and meet the candidates' expectations. Find out how your company can recruit efficiently in the e-book.

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About softgarden e-recruiting GmbH

softgarden is one of the leading European HR-Tech solutions for innovative recruiting. According to the Fosway 9-GridTM Recruiting Report 2022 and 2023, softgarden is one of the core leaders among European providers of talent acquisition suites. Employers of all industries and sizes attract the best candidates with the help of the cloud-based Talent Acquisition Suite.